Monday, 20 January 2025
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AICP Objectives

  • The AICP was established to implement the teachings of Islam as per the guidance of the Qur’an.
  • The belief and practice of the AICP worldwide is that of Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jama^ah, those who adhere to the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad, sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam.
  • The most important objective of the AICP is to spread the correct knowledge of the Religion—teaching Muslims and non-Muslims about Islam—by spreading the Islamic Obligatory Knowledge and supporting it with clear evidence.
  • The Messenger of Allah, sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam, said: which means: "The best of the deeds is the belief in Allah and His Messenger." (al-Bukhariyy) In accordance with this, the A. I. C. P. emphasizes teaching Tawhid, the Islamic knowledge by which one would know what is and what is not proper to attribute to Allah and His Messenger.
  • The AICP is a voice of moderation, striving to rid the Muslim community of the vile innovations and prevailing deviations—the proponents of which call for terrorism and violence.
  • The AICP does not compromise its stand against those who try to deviate the Muslims from the belief of the Prophet, sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam, his Companions, and the subsequent Muslim generations known as Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jama^ah.
  • The AICP set its objectives with the realization that victory over evil can only be achieved by spreading religious education and propagating goodness among people—knowing that society can only be reformed through piety and fear of Allah (the Creator).
  • The AICP urges Muslims to help each other and share responsibilities, such as encouraging the wealthy to console and relieve the poor—whether Muslims or non-Muslims.
  • The AICP urges all Muslims to provide for the needs of the hungry, orphans, and needy, as well as to correct one’s self, family, and society in accordance with Islam. It was said by a prominent American official about the society in America, that "Our problems are beyond government’s reach. They are rooted in the loss of values." Islam provides the values that, if implemented, can resolve the societal problems many nations are facing today.

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Listen to the Qur'an


How to Become a Muslim

One becomes a Muslim by believing in the Two Testifications of Faith (referred to in Arabic as ash-Shahadatan) and uttering them with the intention of leaving out blasphemy.

I bear witness that no one deserves to be worshiped except Allah and I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah
Listen by clicking here

A.I.C.P. The Voice of Moderation