Sunday, 01 December 2024
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The Islamic Education School (TIES), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

T.I.E.S. in Philadelphia operates under the corporate umbrella of the AICP of North America. and is registered with the Pennsylvania Department of Education to operate as a full-time school.


THE ISLAMIC EDUCATION SCHOOL (T.I.E.S.) is a full-time day school registered with the Pennsylvania Department of Education. T.I.E.S. is housed at the ASSOCIATION OF ISLAMIC CHARITABLE PROJECTS' (AICP of North America) ISLAMIC CENTER in Philadelphia. T.I.E.S. is a part of an International School System and is modeled after other AICP of North America. schools which have histories of achieving tremendous success in educating children.

  • Elementary Instruction is offered for Grades KG-5th
  • Middle School Instruction is offered for Grades 6th_8th

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