Tuesday, 23 April 2024

How to Become a Muslim

One becomes a Muslim by believing in the Two Testifications of Faith (referred to in Arabic as ash-Shahadatan) and uttering them with the intention of leaving out blasphemy.

I bear witness that no one deserves to be worshiped except Allah and I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah
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Como hacerse Musulmán

Uno se hace Musulmán creyendo en las Dos Testificaciones de Fe (referido en Arabe como Ash-shahadatan) y diciéndolo con la intención de renunciar blasfemia.

Yo testifico que nada merece ser adorado excepto Alah y testifico que Muhammad es el mensajero de Alah.

كيف يدخل غير المسلم في الإسلام

يَدخل غيرُ المسلم في الإسلام بالإيمان بمعنى الشهادتين وقولِهِما سامعًا نفسَه بأيّ لغةٍ يُحسنها.

وإن أراد قولَهما بالعربية فهما:

أَشْهَدُ أَنْ لا إلَـهَ إلَّا اللهُ، وَأَشْهَدُ أَنَّ مُحَمَّدًا رَسُولُ الله

وَهَذا هو التسجيل الصوتي للشهادتين اضغط

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Commending Engagement in Islamic Doctrinal Theology

These lectures are meant to rebuke the claims of those who speak against the creed of Imam al-’Ash^ariyy which is the creed of Ahlus-Sunnah. There are four parts:

  • Part 1: Acquiring and Applying Islamic Knowledge.
  • Part 2: Importance of Tawhid Knowlege
  • Part 3: Biography of Imam Abul-Hasan al-’Ash^ariyy
  • Part 4: Commending Engagement in Islamic Doctrinal Theology.

These lectures were given in Arabic and English in November, 2013 during The Annual Islamic Knowledge Seminars (Dawrah) sponsored by The Association of Islamic Charitable Projects (AICP), in Dearborn, Michigan.

  • Class Title: Commending Engagement in Islamic Doctrinal Theology
  • Speaker: Dr. Ali Ghazzawi
  • Language: English and Arabic

INSTRUCTIONS: Click on the list to play the audio or click on the green down arrow to download the file

To scroll up and down, hover the cursor over the player and the scroll selector will appear

Lesson 1: Acquiring and Applying Knowledge الحَثُّ على طلَب العلم والعملِ به

Lesson 2: Importance of Tawhid Part 1 بيان أهمية علم التوحيد

Lesson 3: Importance of Tawhid Part 2 بيان أهمية علم التوحيد

Lesson 4: Biography of Imam Al Ash^ariyy Part 1 ترجمة الأشعرىّ

Lesson 5: Biography of Imam Al Ash^ariyy Part 2 ترجمة الأشعرىّ

Lesson 6: Biography of Imam Al Ash^ariyy Part 3 AND Commending Engagement in Islamic Doctrinal Theology Part 1 ترجمة الأشعرىّ و استِحْسَانُ الخَوْضِ فى عِلمِ الكَلام

Lesson 7: Commending Engagement in Islamic Doctrinal Theology Part 2 استِحْسَانُ الخَوْضِ فى عِلمِ الكَلام

Lesson 8: Commending Engagement in Islamic Doctrinal Theology Part 3 استِحْسَانُ الخَوْضِ فى عِلمِ الكَلام

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